Setting up GSLT/Login Token(s) Print

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All Information regarding your GSLT has been cited from Here, then revised for better understanding(s).


Game Server Login Tokens

Unturned uses GSLT's to authenticate your server(s) with Steam Servers to allow other players across steam server to connect to your server, but also be used as an identifier for each server.

  1. In order to receive your Game Server Login Token, you must go here; . It will request an `App ID`, Unturneds App ID is 309430
  2. You will then navigate to your servers Commands.Dat and type "GSLT #############################"
  3. To ensure the installment, put it into your Config.Json under "Login Token"
  4. T ensure the installment, put your GSLT into the Startup Tab, and in the Blank field for "GSLT"


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